((day - vee))

theDrop's founder & artistic director,
devi is a dancer, yoga teacher, and movement guide with a background in theatre. with ten years of experience leading dance, yoga, & fitness throughout the bay area, she infuses her classes with a sense of play and a notoriously silly sense of humor. devi has completed over 700 hours of yoga teacher training and prioritizes integrity of alignment, integration of breath, & expression of soul in the experiences she leads. devi empowers her community to release the idea of "getting it right" in order to unapologetically move their bodies and embrace their unique expression. when she’s not teaching, devi stays inspired through training & performing with in the groove’s resident femme hip hop team, groove generation. aside from all that, she is passionate about guacamole, music events, yerba mate,
& cuddling her pit mix, koga.